
Simply means that some illnesses or physical symptoms make a particular therapy inadvisable at this time. However there may be a different therapy which would be better suited to you.

For example :

Auricular Therapy should not be carried out if you have a perforated eardrum but maybe you:

  • Would like a different treatment to allow you some time for relaxation.
  • Postpone the Auricular therapy until your GP tells you that your eardrum has healed. 

I will offer you my professional opinion if I believe a different therapy may be more appropriate for you and, if it is not something that I currently provide, will do my best to recommend another practitioner. Obviously, the most important thing is your well-being. Therefore please be prepared to answer a few health-related questions when booking a treatment.

Very occasionally, if you have had a recent illness that has required medical treatment, it may be necessary for your GP to give permission for you to have specific therapies.

If you feel that you would like to discuss:

  • A particular therapy
  • Which therapy may be appropriate for your current needs
  • Specific contra-indications
  • Or simply have a question that the website has not answered 

Please contact me, I will be happy to answer any question
you may have about treatments.

Photography by kind permission of Petras Gagilas